• “For evil to triumph, only good people need to do nothing.”.
    Edmund Burke
  • “Lorem ipsum pain sit amet consectetur. Pellentesque sit libero ornare curabitur. Sed viverra dis at convallis amet pulvinar sem.”
    Guy Hawkins
  • “Para que el mal triunfe, solo se necesita que los buenos no hagan nada”.
    Edmund Burke

The Movement represents an intermediate institution between citizens and public power; it generates a counterweight and reviews the use of institutional power. In the process, it provides a platform for citizen participation that seeks constant proposals consistent with the principles of classic republicanism.

We build with inexhaustible perseverance.
We are citizens who built the institutions of the republic with inexhaustible record and believe that a Democratic Republic is the best form of government to protect the rights and freedoms of all Guatemalans.
Years in the fight
achievements for the country

Principales logros

Aprobación de tablero electrónico en el Congreso
Amparo contra Ley de Telecomunicaciones que violaba derechos fundamentales
Rosas Blancas en Congreso para antejuicio Otto Pérez Molina
Amparo contra censura a medios de comunicación en proceso electoral
Exigimos el veto presidencial a la reforma de ley de compras
Repetición del proceso de compra del sistema informático que ponía en riesgo el proceso electoral
Amparo a favor de la separación de poderes y la protección a resultados electorales
Yo Voto Mejor
Festival Ciudadano: ACCIÓN
Collaborate with us and be part of the change
Our role of citizens allows us to create a path where Guatemalans have more control over public power
Ideas that inspire our actions

We believe in freedom, that every person has the right to own his dreams and the fruit of his work. We also believe that the State has an obligation to protect the lives of citizens.

see blog

stay in contact

The union, dedication and involvement of citizens makes it possible to build a democratic republic.